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Alamedin Gorge

35 km from Bishkek

When is the Alamedin Gorge open: all year round
Transportation: Visitors can take a taxi to reach the Alamedin Gorge.
Recommendations: Before heading to the Alamedin Gorge, check the weather. It rains at times.
Alamedin gorge  is one of the closest to the capital relax-locations with a magnificent mountain landscape, just 35 km from Bishkek.

Resort area with all attributes:
  • air filled with the rich aroma of mountain flowers;
  • the muffled roar of a stormy river;
  • gentle splashes of a waterfall sparkling in the sun;
  • walking trails.

The recommended season for hiking to the waterfalls is the end of spring-beginning of summer, until the melting water from the glaciers slows down.

The location is suitable almost for everyone to visit, due to the comfortable infrastructure:

  • paved road (appreciate by drivers and bikers, as well as cyclists);
  • popular paths for multi-day and one-day trekking, and you just can’t get lost along the main paths;
  • experienced hikers can easily reach the highest point of the gorge - Usachenko peak, 4000 m above sea level;
  • observational natural sites;
  • guest and yurt camps at the foot of the mountain.

Some tourists prefer to stay for the night or for a halt in a yurt camp near a waterfall in order to get a taste of the local measured life, recharge themselves by swimming in a natural spring, catch an even tan, streamline their thoughts and return with a fully charged soul.

Alamedin gorge is a delightful place for body and soul, and here you can easily find a corner for meditation and unity with yourself. Well, someone finds energy boost in multi-day trips.