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Kyrgyzstan is a place where most people would like to visit. Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia and Bishkek is the capital of Country. Kyrgyzstan has borders with Kazakhstan, China, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
We would like to share 5 places that you will like to visit Kyrgyzstan and why we like to visit there. Most places are gorges because Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country.
We share experience and inspiration about Kyrgyzstan. Experience from travelguide in

Felt carpet show

Eagle hunting show

Folk show

Places to visit near Bishkek

Ala-Archa National Park. Just 50 minutes from Bishkek we'll reach National Park - "Ala-Archa" Enjoy views of the Ala-Archa that is 30 km from Bishkek, where you will see glaciers on the top of mountains.
Ala-Archa National park
Alamedin Gorge is the closest mountain gorge to Bishkek. The gorge, in addition to its amazing natural scenery, is famous for its hot springs and for resort complex known as “Teplie Klyuchi”. Proximity to the city makes this place very popular among tourists, as it is possible to get to mountains at any time of a day, it is an hour from Bishkek. Among the interesting places in the gorge is the Alamedin Waterfall, located 5 kilometers from the end of the road.
The Alamedin Gorge is a good option to spend a nice sunny day, hiking among beatufiul views in good proximity from Bishkek.

Alamedin gorge

Osh bazar is one of the largest bazaars in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. It is located on the west side of town, and is not far from the Western Bus Station.
At Osh Bazaar, one can buy food products, almost any common household good, clothes, souvenirs, and even musical instruments. Kyrgyz national clothes are sold in the national goods section, called "Kyyal" (Kyrgyz: Кыял - "fantasy/dream"), and may be special ordered (for size, colour, etc.) through the bazaar vendors. The national goods section also includes vendors who sell carved wooden trunks (Kyrgyz: сандык), national bedding (Kyrgyz: төшөк), national cradles (Kyrgyz: бешик), small souvenirs, and many other locally produced items relevant to the traditional and modern culture of Kyrgyzstan

Osh bazar

Supara Chunkurchak located just 40 kilometers south of the capital in a beautiful place called Chunkurchak tract.
This is a unique place that best addresses the meaning of the word “jailoo”, where the eye catches the fantastic valley, snow-capped peaks of the majestic mountains, which are visible on the horizon. Running mountain river at the foot of the mountain slopes located interspersed with alpine meadows and forest belts of juniper, pine, larch, birch, Rowan, and numerous species of shrubs.
Supara Chunkurchak provides you with a comfortable stay and a memorable vacation.
There is also a ski resort near Chunkurchak gorge where you can ski in the wintertime.

Chunkurchak gorge
Meals to eat in Bishkek
The national Kyrgyz dish of besh barmak is eaten with the hands, and this was probably the origin of its name, (besh barmak means “five fingers”). The classic variant of the dish, (which is now prepared basically in the Talas region of northern Kyrgyzstan), requires a good knife – as all the prepared for the dish cutting up the ingredients before it is put on the table.
Kuurdak is a traditional dish of kyrgyz peopel. The recipe is not very complicated, and the dish itself is an amateur. Meat lovers will not refuse this.
Manti is a traditional Asian hot meat dish. Steamed dough with meat filling, this is manti. The correct recipe for manti dough, or manti dough, is very important.
Lagman is one of the most delicious dishes of national Kyrgyz cuisine. The roots of its originations go back to the ancient China, but the recipe had been changing and supplementing under the influence of the culture of Uighurs, Dungans and other nationalities.
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Amazing places of Kyrgyzstan

Skazka Canyon is one of the most interesting places in Kyrgyzstan, endowed with fantastic sand forms, thanks to canyon lovers, and got its sonorous name. Over a millennium of erosion, the red sandstone has taken on shapes reminiscent of the outlines of fairy-tale wonders and ancient castles from ancient legends.

Skazka canyon
Sary – Chelek is far from the capital, however we recommend to visit. The best season to go there is spring because according to locals you can see more than 100 types of flowers and do trekking there around 7 lakes. In addition after trekking take some nuts that originally was grown in forest of Sary-Chelek National park and apples as well.

Sary - Chelek lake
Son-Kul is one of the most famous alpine lakes in Kyrgyzstan. It is located at an altitude of 3016 m (9895 feet) above sea level. Son-Kul is an amazing blue lake, surrounded by wide fertile meadows, where nomadic tribes pastured animals for centuries.

Son-Kul lake
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